Häufig gestellte Frage

How to determine software version
Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 5 Monaten

1. Turn off control box

2. Keep the P-key pressed and turn on the control box

3. Keep the P-key depressed until prompted to enter the code-number

4. Enter code 3112 and confirm by pressing the E-key

5. Select parameter F179 and confirm by pressing the E-key

6. Press the >>-key to call up the service routine. (F2-key if using Variocontrol - the dark grey one on the righthand side)

7. Press the E-key to access the according information (program-number, program-index, date specification)


| | | | | |

| | | | | ►hour

| | | | ►day

| | | ►month

| | ►year

| ►version index

►control type/hardware

The determining factor ist the date specification!

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